> [!languages] [[Marco Noris - Biografia|CAT]] | [[Marco Noris - Biografía|ESP]] | [[Marco Noris - Biography|ENG]] | [[Marco Noris - Biografia (it)|IT]] # Marco Noris, biography > [!noteinfo] [Marco Noris, visual artist - About](https://marconoris.com/about) — Last update: 22/01/2023 13:11 **Marco Noris** ([[../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Bergamo|Bergamo]], Italy) lives and works in Barcelona, Spain. In recent years Noris has developed his artistic practice mainly in the field of painting, directing his research into two main thematic areas: ruin and historical memory on the one hand and territory and [[../Del caminar y del territorio/Paisaje/Paisaje|landscape]] on the other. In his career he has combined studio work with more performative [[../Proyectos/Proyectos|projects]] (2015, _[[../Proyectos/Paratext/Paratext|Paratext]] #07_, Hangar) and with walking as artistic practice. Since 2013, the [[../Del caminar y del territorio/Paisaje/Paisaje|landscape]] has been a key element in his work, a place for events understood also as a stage for defeat and transit, such as border crossings and former concentration camps. His research has led him to deepen and experiment with his relationship with the [[../Del caminar y del territorio/Paisaje/Paisaje|landscape]] and territory through the aesthetic and artistic practice in the [[../Proyectos/Proyectos|projects]] _"[[../Proyectos/En frontera/En frontera#ENG - On the Border|On the Border]]"_ (2017, Barcelona Producció / La Capella ), _"La Entrega, act I"_ (2018, La Panera de Lleida and the [[Centre d'Art i Natura|CAN de Farrera]]), "[[../Proyectos/Lloc, lluny, llar/Lloc, lluny, llar|Lloc, lluny, llar]]”* (2020/2021, Nau Côclea and OSIC) and the most recent _"[[../Sequere/Sequere|Sequere]]"_ (2022, Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs). In Spain, Noris has exhibited in Barcelona (_La Capella, Galería Trama, Cyan Gallery, Galería Esther Montoriol, Galería Contrast, Galería H2O, The Private Space, Casa Elizalde, Can Felipa, Galería Sicart, [[Piramidón]]_, etc.), in [[../Sequere/Hipertext/Lleida|Lleida]] (_Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs_, _La Panera_, _Mare de Déu de la Serra, Farrera, Sant Feliu de Barruera_), in Madrid (_Matadero_), in Huesca (_CDAN_, Fundación Hospital de Bebasque_), in Castellón (_Canem Gallery_), in Vic (_Roman Temple, 5th Biennial_) and in the _MuME, Museu Memorial de l'Exili_ de La Jonquera. Abroad, he has participated in exhibitions and festivals in Uruguay ([[../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Garzón|Garzón]], 2023), United States (New York, _The Active Space_, 2014), Italy (_Different Pulses_, 2013 and _ParmaPoesia_, 2002) and France (Paris, _Centre Pompidou_, 2002). In parallel to his artistic activity, in the last twenty years he has collaborated in different collective projects. Between 1998 and 2002 in Bologna -Italy-, he participated in collaborative projects in digital environments. In 2006, by now in Barcelona, he promoted the self-organization of the artists of the art center of _[[La Escocesa]]_ for the creation and management of a new creation factory. In May 2018, he co-founded _[Fase](http://fase.xyz)_, a centre for creation and thought in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Spain). Noris was artist in residence at _[La Escocesa](https://laescocesa.org)_ and _[Hangar](https://hangar.org)_ (Barcelona). During 2022 he has worked at the [MNAC](http://www.museunacional.cat) for the elaboration and renovation of the contents and the narrative of the Romanesque art collection of the National Museum of Catalonia. He currently has his studio in _[[Piramidón]]_, a contemporary art center in Barcelona, and he is member of the Management Board of the Art and Nature Center in [[../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Farrera|Farrera]]. ## Trajectory ### Walking as an artistic practice 2022 — [[../Sequere/Sequere|Sequere (La Entrega, acto II)]] (Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs, Lleida, Spain) 2020 — [[../Proyectos/Lloc, lluny, llar/Lloc, lluny, llar|Lloc, lluny, llar]] (Nau Côclea and OSIC, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain) 2018 — [[../Proyectos/La Entrega - acto I/La Entrega - Acto I|La Entrega, acto I]] (La Panera and Farrera's CAN, Lleida, Spain) 2017 — [[../Proyectos/En frontera/En frontera|On the Border]] (La Capella /Barcelona Producció, Spain) ### Installations and solo exhibitions 2023 — [[../Proyectos/Campo 2023/Transmutaciones - Campo 2023|Transmutations]], Campo ArtFest 23, [[../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Garzón|Garzón]] (Uruguay) 2023 — [[../Sequere/Sequere|Sequere]], La Gòtika, Institut d'Estudis ilerdencs, Lleida (Spain) 2021 — _[[../Proyectos/La pell de la terra/Dins la pell de la terra|Dins la pell de la terra]] (entre cims i cavallons)_ in “Un món fràgil”, Embarrat 2021, Cal Trepat, Tàrrega (Spain) 2021 — _[[../Proyectos/La pell de la terra/La pell de la terra|La pell de la terra]]_, Mare de Déu de la Serra, Farrera, Lleida (Spain) 2020 — _[[../Proyectos/Nel lieve sovrapporsi di cielo e terra/Nel lieve sovrapporsi di cielo e terra|Nel lieve sovrapporsi di cielo e terra]]_, [[Piramidón]], Barcelona (Spain) 2020 — _Skins_, [[../Proyectos/La pell de la terra/Errant 2020|Errant Festival]], Sant Feliu de Barruera (Lleida, Barcelona) 2019 - _[[../Proyectos/Refugium, refugia/Refugium, refugia - eng|Refugium, refugia]]_ — MUME, Exile Memorial Museum of La Jonquera (Spain) 2018 — On the Border, La Capella, Barcelona (Spain) 2017 — Art and memory — [[../Proyectos/En frontera/En frontera#ENG - On the Border|On the Border]], MUME — Exile Memorial Museum of La Jonquera (Spain) 2017 — It wasn’t the sun, Trama gallery, Barcelona (Spain) 2016 — [[../Proyectos/Refugium, refugia/2016 - (In)refugios/(Un)refuges|(In)refugis]], Roman Temple, Vic (spain) 2016 — [[../Proyectos/Refugium, refugia/2016 - (In)refugios/(Un)refuges|(In)refugis]] 1936/2016, Cànem Gallery, Castellón de la Plana (Spain) 2013 — Under Construction (two artist show), Espai M, [[La Escocesa]], Barcelona (Spain) 2008 — Remote locations, Contrast gallery, Barcelona (Spain) ### Selected group exhibitions 2024 — [[../News/2024/2024-06-10 Fronteres. Línia de tall - Museu de Llívia|Fronteres. Línia de tall]], Museu de Llívia, (Llívia, Girona, Spain) 2024 — [[../News/2024/2024-02-10 Cossos d'aigua - La Panera|Cossos d’aigua. Encarnacions aquoses de matèries i signes]]. La Panera, Lleida (Spain) 2022 — [[../Memoria, ruinas y derrotas/Un altre fi. LA RESTA - El Born CCM|Another end. THE REMAINDER]], El Born CCM, Barcelona (Spain) 2022 — [[../News/2022/2022-07-29 - Caminar los Pirineos - Benasque|Caminar los Pirineos]], Fundación Hospital de Benasque, Benasque (Spain) 2022 — [[../News/2022/2022-06-03 - Caminar los Pirineos - CDAN|Caminar los Pirineos]], CDAN, Huesca (Spain) 2021 — [[../News/2021/2021-11-13 - Fronteres. Línia de tall|Fronteres. Línia de tall]], Museu de l’Empordà, Sala d’Exposicions l’Escorxador, Figueres (Spain) 2019 — Art and Nature (4 artists), La Panera, Lleida (Spain) 2018 — Delicartessen 17, Galería Esther Montoriol, Barcelona (Spain) 2018 — KAK \#01 — La Bañera Studio, Sevilla (Spain) 2017 — Venien de lluny, [[Piramidón]] Contemporary Art Centre, Barcelona (Spain) 2016 — Finalists exhibition of “XIII Price of Visual Arts Arena Foundation”, Barcelona (Spain) 2015 — Finalists exhibition of “VI Painting Prize Torres García”, Mataró, Barcelona (Spain) 2015 —  The Wall 4 — Mutuo Art Center, Barcelona (Spain) 2015 — Recomptes (Re—counting) — Sicart Gallery, Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona (Spain) 2014 — Recomptes (Re—counting) — Cànem Gallery, Castellón de la Plana (Spain) 2014 — Artificialia — Cyan Gallery, Barcelona (Spain) 2014 — Seeking Space — The Active Space, New York (USA) 2014 — Outskirts — Casa Elizalde, Barcelona (Spain) 2013 — Poblenou artistic communities — Can Felipa, Barcelona (Spain) 2013 — Different Pulses I, Cividale del Friuli (Udine, Italy) 2012 — Delicartessen 11 — Galería Esther Montoriol, Barcelona (Spain) 2012 — Fresh!, The Private Space, Barcelona (Spain) 2012 — Chic&Arts, Chic&Basic, Barcelona (Spain) 2012 — Synthesis, FAD, Barcelona (Spain) 2012 — Be intrusive, aDa gallery, Barcelona (Spain) 2012 — TOGS, DeeBee gallery, Barcelona (Spain) 2011 — HFM, H2O gallery, Barcelona (Spain) 2011 — Imprevista n. 3, Barcelona (Spain) 2010 — Off Loop, [[La Escocesa]], Barcelona (Spain) 2009 — Àmbit Ricard Canals, Piera (Barcelona, Spain) 2009 — D\_Fest 2009, Matadero, Madrid (Spain) 2007 — Aires Nous, Contrast gallery, Barcelona (Spain) 2007 — The rooms of the blue bird, Livesoundtracks, Esperia Tower, Barcelona (Spain) 2007 — People of Poblenou, C.C. Can Felipa (Barcelona, Spain) 2007 — XI Premi de pintura Miquel Viladrich, Torrelameu (Lleida, Spain) 2006 — 5ª Vic’s Biennial, Vic (Spain) 2006 — EMA, [[La Escocesa]], Barcelona (Spain) 2002 — Stanze Aperte, ParmaPoesia 2002, Parma (Italy) 2002 — Polyphonix 4, Centre Pompidou, Paris (France) 2002 — Caffementale, Grottammare (Italy) 1996 — Arte in Borgo, Lovere ([[../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Bergamo|Bergamo]], Italy) ### Publications — [[../Sequere/Sequere — Publicació IEI 2023|Sequere]], 2023 Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs — [[../Proyectos/En frontera/A la frontera - El libro|A la frontera]], 2018 — Ajuntament de Barcelona Institut de Cultura / Folch, ISBN 978—84—9156—077—7 — [[../Proyectos/Paratext/Paratext_vol1.pdf|Paratext vol. 1]], 2016 - Hangar.org, ISBN 978—84—617—6320—7 ### Grants and awards 2023 – *Campo AIR*, Goetstouwers + Limentani fellowship / Istituto Italiano di Cultura de Montevideo 2023 - OSIC, Generalitat de Catalunya 2023 — _Mentoratge 2023_, Xarxa Prod, Catalonia, Spain 2022 — _Empelt 21_, MNAC, Barcelona 2020 - OSIC, Generalitat de Catalunya 2018 - Art and Nature - La Panera and [[Centre d'Art i Natura|CAN de Farrera]] (Lleida, Spain) 2017 — Barcelona Producció 2017—18 — La Capella, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (Spain) 2016 — XIII Premio Jose M. Vidal de artes visuales, Barcelona (Spain) 2013 — [[La Escocesa]] production grant, Barcelona (Spain) 2012 — [[La Escocesa]] production grant, Barcelona (Spain) ### Residences Current residency (since 2017) [[Piramidón]], Barcelona (Spain) 2023 — Campo AIR, [[../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Garzón|Garzón]] (Uruguay) 2023 — Casa Bigodé, Envall (Vall Fosca, Lleida, Spain) 2022 — MNAC, Barcelona 2020 - Nau Côclea (Spain) 2018 - Centre d’Art i Natura, Farrera (Spain) 2015/2017 — [[Hangar|Hangar]], Barcelona (Spain) 2005/2015 — [[La Escocesa]], Barcelona (Spain)