> [!languages] [[La Entrega - Acto I|esp]] · [[L'Entrega - Acte I|cat]] · [[La Entrega - Act I|eng]] # La Entrega act I · An artistic investigation about territory and landscape, travel and cartography > [!noteinfo] > 2018/2019 · [Marco Noris, visual artist - La Entrega, act I](https://marconoris.com/la-entrega) > [!cite] > “I travel to know my geography” (anonymous). ![La Entrega I - Foto: Jordi V. Pou / Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida Juny 2019](files/_28_BequesArtiNatura_LaPanera_Juny2019.jpg) My perception of time and space changed profoundly during the Pyrenean crossing of the Spanish-French border that I carried out in the summer of 2017 during the development of my _On the Border_ project. On that occasion I discovered the creative and healing power of walking and its power of liberation. In the Pyrenees I learned that to walk is to surrender oneself in order to appropriate time and space. It is on this postulate that _La entrega_ was born, a project conceived as a set of actions where walking, understood as an aesthetic and creative practice, is the primary motor. The title of the project voluntarily refers to the idea of consignment and at the same time to the idea of abnegation, a characteristic common to both artistic practice and walking. The work presented is the result of the first act of the project, carried out between September and December 2018 thanks to the “Arte i Natura” grant from the _La Panera_ contemporary art center in Lleida, together with the _Centre d’Art i Natura_ of [[../../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Farrera|Farrera]] (Lleida). > [!Links] Related > - [Official page - La Entrega, act I](https://marconoris.com/la-entrega) > - [[L'Entrega I - Territori]] > - [[Joseph Beuys - Manresa Hbf]] > - [[../../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Sort, Fira de Tardor 2018|Sort, Fira de Tardor 2018]] ![The route](files/_ruta-entrega%201.jpg) This first act consists of two main parts. The first, a journey of 350 km, walking for 21 days from my studio in [[../../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Barcelona|Barcelona]], located in the [[../../Ecosistema/Piramidón|Piramidón]] contemporary art center, to the _Centre d’Art i Natura_ of [[../../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Farrera|Farrera]], a small village in the Pyrenees of Lleida, 1,300 meters above sea level. The route was developed “uniting” six art centers and crossing 8 counties, from sea level to the mountain, reaching a maximum height of 2,500 meters. During the trip I dedicated myself to making a kind of inventory of the territory, collecting material, recording videos and taking photos (digital and polaroid snapshots), drawing landscapes, maps and routes, experimenting with liquids and matter. At the end of each day’s journey, the _delivery_ was certified and stamped by the place where I chose to spend the night (shelter, refuge, private house, etc.) in custom-made booklets, inspired by the Pilgrim’s Credential of the Camino de Santiago. All this material was, therefore, the object _delivered_ and at the same time the testimony of the artist’s dedication, of the time dedicated by him and of the space travelled. The second part of the project was developed during the residency at the _Centre d’Art i Natura_ of [[../../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Farrera|Farrera]], where I did most of the work based on the material collected and produced along the way. The main support of the entire production is paper, prepared in different sizes between 50×70 cm and 140×200 cm and folded as maps are usually folded. Some of the material I took with me during the trip, blank maps to use as travel logs or logbooks, while the rest I dedicated to the work I did as an artist in residence at the art center, deepening the research done during the journey. The project, based on a strong experiential component, is characterized by a broad stylistic register and by its experimental vocation. As in the case of _On the Border_, the journey is the end but it is also the means, a key reading to understand what exists and a fundamental part of the creative process in which the _artistic product_ is an indispensable component. The particular state of trance induced by walking for long periods of time was therefore the means to explore new geographical and emotional territories of which the work of art is [[../../Del caminar y del territorio/Cartografía/Cartografía|cartography]] and, at the same, discovery and trophy. **Thank you to** [[../../Arte/Artistas/Kati Riquelme|Kati Riquelme]], [[../../Arte/Artistas/Andrea Leria|Andrea Leria]], Andrea Barello, Kike Bela and The Good Good, Hugo Vázquez, Joana Cervià and Josep Rubio, Rosa Lendinez, Jordi Martínez-Vilalta, Alicia Calle, Konvent, Miquel Martínez-Vilalta and Anna Motis Berta, Marga Bruna, Javier, María and Nacho Pagonabarraga, Natalia Carminati, [[../../Arte/Artistas/Paula Bruna|Paula Bruna]], Marc Badia and his whole family, Claudia Karina Godoy, [[../../Ecosistema/Carlos Puyol|Carlos Puyol]], Lluís Lobet and [[../../Ecosistema/Centre d'Art i Natura|Centre d’Art i Natura]] of [[../../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Farrera|Farrera]], the whole community of [[../../Del caminar y del territorio/Territorio/Farrera|Farrera]], Antoni Jove and Roser Sanjuan, La Panera, [[../../Arte/Artistas/Jia-ling Hsu|Jia-ling Hsu]], Pau Cata, Sole Pieras, Ivan Franco Fraga, Aida Mestres, Andreu Dengra Carayol and Centre d’Art Maristany, Sophie Blais, Sarah Goodchild Robb and Can Serrat, CDAN of Huesca, Raül Maigí and the Montserrat Museum, Josep Estruch and Montserrat Rectoret-Blanch, Mireia C. Saladrigues, [[../../Ecosistema/Frederic Montornés|Fede Montornes]], David Armengol, Alberto Gil Cásedas, Pilar Parcerisas, [[../../Ecosistema/William Truini|William Truini]], [[../../Arte/Artistas/Guillermo Pfaff|Guillermo Pfaff]], Josep Maria [[../../Arte/Artistas/Josep Maria Cabané|Cabané]], Sandra Sanseverino, Montse Bonvehi, Club Excursionista de Gràcia, [[../../Ecosistema/Piramidón|Piramidón]]… **In collaboration with:** - [La Panera](http://lapanera.cat/) - [CAN – Centre d'Art i Natura de Farrera](http://farreracan.cat/) **With the support of:** - [Can Serrat – International Art Residence](https://canserrat.org/) - [Konvent](https://konventzero.com) - [Inicio - The Good Good](http://www.thegoodgood.org/) Topics: #art #marconoris #walking #marconoris #mountain #laEntrega #project #Terra #philosophyOfLand #en-lang <iframe style="border:none;" width="100%" height="600" src="https://www.are.na/marco-noris/about-walking/embed" title="Walking materials" sandbox="allow-popups allow-scripts allow-same-origin" target="arena"></iframe>